
Showing posts from October, 2016


  6 Questions to check the Current State  of your  mind.............Take this TEST. Relax, Clear Your Mind and Begin, What's the 1st answer that comes to your mind???........... 1. What do you put in a toaster? Answer: "Bread." If you said "toast," give up now and do something else.. Try not to hurt yourself. If you said bread, go to Question 2 2. Say "silk" five times. Now spell "silk." What do cows drink? Answer: Cows drink water.

Relationship Ethics

    The most difficult time to be in a relationship as a guy is in your early twenties. The period when you are stuck in a limbo, trying to figure out yourself and who you want to be. At this age, you find it a herculean task asking money of whatsoever from your parents, considering your dad will always remind you of how he was

War Against Cultism ( Episode 2 )

              COLOUR CODE: This is very funny and unbearable to take it alone. So I decided to share this part with you all. Recently the colour of clothes you wear is to be taken into consideration now. Cult members restrict people from putting a colour combination related to their cult. Can you imagine that ?

War Against Cultism

Cultism!Cultism!!Cultism!!!.How I wonder how destructive you have been to our future leaders,Shattering and Destroying the destiny and future of innocent soul. I cry, I weep, I sorrow within me. I ask myself what is really going on "Is Cultism Taking Over The World ?"


My names are Maryann, Maryjane, Chizaram,Nneoma,Emmanuela,Ada Iheme. Am from IMO state, A writer and Motivational speaker,a human activist. Will be writing article on different topics. Watch out for it. Its super hot,interesting and fabulous. Happy Sunday everyone . Enjoy your day.