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These 6 Holes Around the World Are Scary Deep, and We Want Nothing to Do With Them

Posted june 17, by Dominic Trombino
There are certain things in the world that you just feel shouldn't be there. Any giant hole in the earth is usually one of them. You like to feel safe and secure knowing that you can walk around the planet fairly safe, but when everything drops out beneath you, all that changes very quickly.
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A blue hole is any large hole that has its entrance below sea level. Most of the time they a couple hundred feet deep, but this one in the Bahamas goes down 660 feet. I'm not sure what's down there, but I think I'm good not knowing.

2. Mount Baldy Sink Hole in Indiana - 11 feet deep

A few of these crazy sink holes started showing up near Mount Baldy Sand Dune near Lake Michigan in Indiana. In 2011, a boy actually got stuck in one, but he was luckily saved after a few hours.

3. Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory Hole - 1.5 miles deep

There are actually 86 of these holes that were dug in the South Pole using heated pipes. Researchers use them to observe neutrinos using the South Pole Telescope.

4. Giant Blue Hole in Belize - 407 feet deep

Another blue hole found in the ocean. This one became famous after Jacques Cousteau said it was one of the top scuba diving locations in the world. Now you can take a diving tour in, but I think I'll pass.

5. Glory Hole at the Monticello Dam in California - 304 feet deep

This man-made dam can drain about 48,000 cubic feet of water each second. Not somewhere you want to get stuck near.

6. 2010 Guatemala City Sinkhole - 100 feet deep

In 2010 this sinkhole opened up in Guatamala City's Zona 2 and took down a three story building in the process.


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